To a time and place distant and changed and fondly remembered. Descendants Reynard the Fox ale: thumbs up.
Author: admin
Striking in solidarity
Posted onWell, hardly anybody comes here, and I’m not in the US (but neither is the internet). I’ve installed the SOPA Strike plugin and should be dark on Jan 18th, along with a lot of major sites on the web. Here’s hoping the people’s representatives in the land of the free vote against crippling the net for everyone. It’s a pretty sinister proposal.
I’m still here…
Posted on…just not all here.
Been trying an ambitious program of getting more sleep. It’s working, now just have to fit all the other stuff back in between the sleeping. Some progress. See above. Plus I’ve been working on a post which required me to figure some stuff out. There will be a little bit of math.
Now there’s a teaser!
I have to go to sleep now.