OK, well, I’m not quite ready to talk about it in detail, but I had an epiphany during a particularly frustrating session of taking blurry photos of G, and bought a new camera. I feel like a bit of a traitor to my Panasonic LX3, I feel like I spent too much money in absolute terms, I feel like I bought the wrong brand (but the right model at the best price point at this point in time). I’m also getting faster shutter speeds in low light and that means fewer blurry photos of my offspring, who, at a bit over a year old, for some reason often declines to pause what she’s doing and smile for a picture. She sure knows the word “camera” though. OK, “camama” most of the time. That’s from me saying “where’s my camama?” ten times a day. I do that to throw her off so she won’t get too far ahead of her peers, vocabularily.
I’m aware that the reason I can almost justify buying a new camera is essentially that I don’t want to miss those “[Brand name] moments” (that’s not the brand I bought) with my daughter, but I’m having a whole lot of fun with the thing when I’m free to point it at other interesting objects as well.
Take the other day as an example. I got stuck outside during a bit of a snow…flurry. I can’t bring myself to call it a snowstorm despite the traffic chaos it caused. Besides, it was turning to slush as soon as it hit the ground. It was cool enough to be uncomfortable for just standing around. Luckily, I had my new camera with me!
I took pictures of the things in my immediate vicinity until I couldn’t stand the cold wet hands (uh, mine — there wasn’t any sort of horror movie aspect to this episode).
I got the camera out again when I got to work and pointed it at other things, like the cup of hot chocolate I so desperately needed when I finally got there. I needed something to practice my manual focusing skillz on.
This? Oh, this is just one of those moments.