Place Phillips, Montréal, Dec 2011. G discovers some kind of portal and leaps in. Brings back some killer Turkish delight. (I know. Wardrobe, not invisible portal. Leave me alone.) We go out for hot chocolate at van Houtte, but find that only Starbucks is open. It’s exam time and the place is full of students (a few of whom are actually studying). We calculate that, thanks to G and the baby, whom I’ll tentatively call Woodstock for her fluffy yellow hair (I don’t call her that at home, don’t worry), the average age at our table is just about right for the scene.
Trying out the panorama feature on the Galaxy Nexus. I’ve resized it but haven’t tweaked curves or anything.
We didn’t shop at tthe Bay at all on this trip. Or is it thhe Bay? Tricksy sign.