I’ve come across a few queries on the net about whether the GIMP has a “sponge tool like in Photoshop.” (for example, here, here, and here). I was going to say people seem to come away without a good answer, but it turns out the answer comes up occasionally, as it does in that last link. That’ll teach me to write the post and then research my references. Not. Anyway, it seems to me that this “sponge” tool is more or less a paintbrush in saturation adjustment mode.
I’ve never really wanted to do this, but having come across the idea, I’ve thought about it a little, and now played with it a little. Say you had a picture of a girl with a purple jacket on, and you’d like it to really stand out, more intensely than it does in your photo. This sounds like a job for a layer mask to me (funnily enough, so does any adjustment you want to apply to only part of your picture).